Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm baaaaacckk....Just with a different blog page.

So after seeing my brother, Tim and my father have both started their blogs up again I thought, what the heck, I'll start mine up again too. Problem with that line of thinking is: my old blog seems to gone MIA. It was probably attached to one of my old email addys that I have since gotten rid of for one reason or another and with that ID gone, so went the blog. That is my thought but it could still be out in never-never land of the ever-widening WWW. Oh well! Works out for the best in my book though. So much has happened and we are all constantly evolving and growing that I am not the same person that I was then. I am proud that I am always growing and changing. Better that than being stagnant. Hence that new blog name. I have learned from experiences and self-evaluation that I have a great deal of strength. I think sometimes people do see that but that's fine. I know it and that's what's important. I look back over the years and sometimes marvel at everything I have gone thru. I also marvel that I have not had a complete mental breakdown or just plainly given up on life. But why do that?! I would have missed out on all the good things in life and my family would have been hurt. I don't want that to happen. So I push on. Sometimes it can be a struggle but that's part of life. You have to work thru the bad stuff to get to the good stuff. It took myself a while to figure that out but I get that now.

So, enough of the really heavy stuff. To catch you all up on me. I have been working since September of 2007 at K&D Deli. It's a little Deli right outside of my apartment complex. It's honest work. But to be honest, I really don't like it. It pays some of my bills though so I'm sticking with it. I am no longer taking classes with Axia College of University of Phoenix. I became very unhappy with them and decided to look into other educational opportunities. So now I am working on my Bookkeeping Career Diploma with Penn Foster. It's a work at you own pace program that works great for me. Shouldn't take me too much longer to finish up this program. Once I do finish I plan to continue on for my Associates or Bachelors degree in Accounting. Hopefully the career diploma will help me get my foot in the door of the Accounting field and I can get out of the deli. I'm looking at opportunities now but it's hard without a degree. Sometimes I hate being an adult.

Lou and I are still together. He's working in the ER of Saint Francis Hospital as a Patient Care Tech II. He works at least 3 shifts of 12 hours per week. It can be hard sometimes but we are working thru it. I worry everytime he goes to work about him being safe. Tuesday night I got a call that confirmed my fears. He called to tell me that he was hurt at work and I rushed down there. He got hurt while wrestling with a "psych" patient who was on crack-cocaine and trying to run for the door. When they all fell to the ground, Lou ended up having all his weight, the patient's weight (he was a BIG guy), and half the weight of one of the security guards (not a small guy either) land on his left knee. One of the nurses said she heard Lou's knee make contact with the concrete/tile floor way down the hall. He is on crutches now with a brace that starts at the top of his leg and ends just above the ankle. Needless to say he got sent home from work that night and will be out of work for at least a month. Thank goodness for workmens' comp and the longterm illness plan that he has thru work. He will still be getting paid close to what he normally does. We are making the rounds of doctors and tests to find out what exactly is wrong with his knee. Tonight I have to bring him to get a MRI and that should let us know what's wrong. His doctor said that it might be torn ligaments. We'll see. I'm praying that it's nothing serious but I am also being realistic. He can't put weight on it without the brace on. So, I'll keep everyone updated. My fingers are getting tired so I'll do more updating soon.